Thursday, September 2, 2010

14 Weeks Post ACL Reconstruction

WED 1st Sep
FRI 3rd Sept
~20mins ex bike
~Quad press: 15kg (3 ( toe up /in/out ) sets of 20)
22.5kg :(3 ( toe up /in/out )sets of 10)
~Shoulder Press - 22.5kg 3sets (10-5-5)
~Lat Pull down - 30kg :1set 20 & 37,5kg: 2 sets of 10
~Verticle Row : 30kg : 2 sets of 20 & 37,5kg :1set of 15
~Ab Curl Machine : 3sets of 10 on =35kg & 40kg and 45kg
~Hamstring Curl-Machine : 10kg and 10kg and 15kg ( 3 sets of 10)

Worked 3 horses- Schooling (2hrs total) no jumping

SAT 4 Sept
~19kg~ TRAIL RUN - 2hrs !
Wonderful, pushed myself!

Sun 5September
~Rest Day from running~
~Rode 3horses -2hrs~

Mon 6 Sep
~Rode 4 horses 3hrs~
~Interval training over 3km's~
Fast Sprints -very tiring

Tues 7Sep
~Super-Circuit (all muscle groups no running in between)
~Exercise bike 10mins Cardio HOUR:155-166
~Step Machine :5mins Cardio (HOUR:155 -166)
I twisted my knee yesterday-stepped skew on a brick-its a little sore.

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