Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 17 Post ACL reconstruction

WED 22-FRI 24sept ~Rest~

Sat 25 SEPT
~Super Circuit Gym_ all major muscle groups~
~10mins Step~

Mon 27 September
1.20min Fat Burn Exercise Bicycle
Mat Work: stretch,hamstring,calf raises, Boso ball, squats

Tues 28 Sept
1.20min Fat Burn Exercise Bicycle
Mat Work: stretch,hamstring,calf raises,
Resistance Training:
=Lat Pull Down 30kg (5reps) 37 .5kg(10reps) 45kg (2 x sets of 5reps)
=Bicep Curls 7,5kg (3 sets of 10)
=Tricep machine (1 set 10reps :15kg & 1 set 20kg : 10kg)

WED- 29 Sept
-flu hit me , not able to train

THURS- 30 Sept
_Day in bed_

FRI- 1 October
_Day indoors , better , but chest not yet recovered, no training

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