Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 3_ Day 5_ Monday 14th

Scar Tissue:
Scar tissue is the fibrous connective tissue which forms a scar; it can be found on any tissue on the body, , where an injury, cut, surgery or disease has taken place, and then healed. Thicker than the surrounding tissue, scar tissue is paler and denser because it has a limited blood supply; although it takes the place of damaged or destroyed tissue, it is limited in function, including movement, circulation, and sensation. Other than with minor cuts and scrapes, scarring is a common result of any bodily damage.

What I did at gym:
15mins exercise bike
_Overhead pulls_on 22.5kg ( 3 sets of 20)
_Stomach Crunches_on 25kg ( 5 sets of 20)
_Stomach curls_ (external obliques) -( 3 sets of 10:left and right)
_Leg raises 3 sets of 15_
_Heel slides and lifts: proved extraordinarily sore.

So much so , I left the gym and i cried out of frustration when i got home.
My myprodols were finished. I remembered I never took before the gym session, they are by far necessary because with out them I don't /can't push through the discomfort - fear of making it even more sore.

I did walk the rest of the day without crutches....
tomorrow is a new day :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tarryn,

    Was there still some swelling by this time? I know its difficult to remember...but.. just asked..if you could

